General questions

What is light therapy?
What is vacuum lymphatic drainage?
Will I receive advice?
Are there parking spaces at doctorfrost?
What is a 3D body scan?
Can doctorfrost Frankfurt be reached by public transport?
What is cryolipolysis body forming?
Arbeitet Ihr mit Urban Sports, EGym Wellpass, Gympass, Classpass oder Hansefit zusammen?
What is radiofrequency therapy?
What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)?
What is cryotherapy or cold therapy?

Welches Thema interessiert dich?

Filter zurücksetzen
How long does the doctorfrost Liposana3+ metabolic treatment last?
How expensive is the Doctorfrost Liposana3+ metabolic treatment?
What is special about the doctorfrost Liposana3+ metabolic treatment?
What does the doctorfrost Liposana3+ metabolic treatment do?
Is it painful to use Doctorfrost Liposana3+?
How does the doctorfrost Liposana3+ metabolic treatment work?
Was ist die doctorfrost Liposana3+ Stoffwechselkur?
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
How long does a treatment session last?
3D Body Scan Frankfurt
How does the 3D body scan help with posture analysis?
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
Are there any side effects?
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Cold chamber -85°C
What kind of cold chambers are these?
HBO Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Frankfurt
How do HBO pressure chamber systems work?
How quickly can you see results?
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
Who is radiofrequency therapy suitable for?
HBO Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Frankfurt
What are the benefits of HBOT?
HBO Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Frankfurt
What is the role of HBOT in sports medicine?
HBO Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Frankfurt
Can HBOT help with Parkinson's disease and vaccine damage? I
Light and oxygen therapy (MCS)
Cold chamber -85°C
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Can light and oxygen therapy be combined with cryotherapy?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
What does the treatment feel like?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
Who is vacuum lymphatic drainage suitable for?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
Can vacuum lymphatic drainage help prevent leg and vascular diseases?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
How long does a treatment session last?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
Does vacuum lymphatic drainage support regeneration after exercise?
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
Is radiofrequency therapy painful?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
How can I see if cryolipolysis worked?
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
Is it possible to return to everyday life immediately after treatment?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
What is a zone?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
How can vacuum lymphatic drainage help with cellulite?
HBO Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Frankfurt
How does HBOT affect Long-Covid?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
Are there any side effects?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
Which areas can be treated?
Cold chamber -85°C
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
How does a cryotherapy treatment work?
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Cold chamber -85°C
How often should I use cryotherapy?
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
How many sessions are required?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
What happens to fat cells during treatment?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
Is there anything that supports treatment success?
3D Body Scan Frankfurt
How user-friendly is the 3D body scan?
3D Body Scan Frankfurt
How is the data used?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
How does cryolipolysis work?
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Cold chamber -85°C
Why cold therapy?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
How long does a Cryolipolysis Body Forming treatment take?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
Can vacuum lymphatic drainage help with restless legs syndrome?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
Is there an anamnesis interview?
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
How does radiofrequency therapy work?
Light and oxygen therapy (MCS)
What happens during use of light and oxygen therapy?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
Can I return to work immediately after treatment?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
How do I prepare for vacuum lymphatic drainage?
Light and oxygen therapy (MCS)
What programs are there for light therapy?
HBO Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Frankfurt
How often should HBOT be used and for how long?
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Cold chamber -85°C
Does cold therapy have side effects?
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Cold chamber -85°C
Why are there different temperature levels in cryotherapy: -85°C and -110°C?
Light and oxygen therapy (MCS)
How much does a light and oxygen therapy treatment cost?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
What is the cost of a cryolipolysis body forming treatment?
Light and oxygen therapy (MCS)
How often can I have a light and oxygen therapy session?
Cryolipolysis Frankfurt: Body forming with cold
How often can I use cryolipolysis?
3D Body Scan Frankfurt
Which values are recorded by the 3D body scan?
Cold chamber -85°C
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Is the cold dangerous for my body?
Vacuum Lymphatic Drainage Frankfurt
How many treatments are needed to see results?
Light and oxygen therapy (MCS)
How long does light and oxygen therapy take?
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Cold chamber -85°C
How long does a cryotherapy session take?
Cryotherapy Chamber -110°C
Cold chamber -85°C
What are the main contraindications to cryotherapy?

Specific questions

If you have specific questions about our products, please check the respective section directly. There you will find detailed information and questions on the respective topic. If you still have an unanswered question, you can contact us directly at any time.